CloudAhoy’s Android app – in public beta

CA on SamsungWe are happy to announce that CloudAhoy for Android app is now available for public beta. You can download it from Google’s Play Store.

This comes after several months of testing the limited-beta app by users (thank you! you know who you are…)

Our CloudAhoy Android app looks and feels very much like our iPhone app. As beta software goes, it might have a bug or two. Please let us know how well it works for you, and of course contact us immediately if you encounter a problem.

If you log a flight with both iOS and Android you will get two flights in the Flights tab. Check the Logger Type/OS at the bottom of the page to tell which device was used to log that fight.

dev type

CloudAhoy 3.5: KML & GPX import, Bad Elf Integration

CloudAhoy app version 3.5 is now available for download on Apple’s app store.
New capability:

KML import

Flight data import from other apps – KML and GPX
The CloudAhoy app can now import flight data from other apps, in  KML and GPX format. This allows you to upload flights which were logged by other apps into your CloudAhoy account.
To import, use a “Share” (or equivalent) button in the app that has the data, export in either KML or GPX format, and select CloudAhoy as the receiver of the data.

This new feature is  useful to import GPS flight data from external loggers.


BadElfImport from Bad Elf Pro
Until now, you could use your iPhone or iPad with an external GPS devices such as Bad Elf Pro to log flights with the CloudAhoy app. This method has two advantages: it auto-stops the logging, and the upload is fully automatic.

However, we had requests from pilots who wanted to use their Bad Elf Pro’s stand-alone logging capability without using an iPhone or an iPad in the cockpit. With CloudAhoy’s new import feature  you can now use Bad Elf Pro’s stand-alone logging capability. This method requires a few more (simple) manual steps, but it’s advantageous if you don’t have an iPhone or an iPad in the cockpit, or if you want to take advantage of the long battery life of Bad Elf Pro.

Here is a step-by-step description of how to use it:

Important: using the Bad Elf app, tap Configure and set the Data Logger “Smart Filter” to “Disable”. Remember to stop the logging at the end of the flight.

In the cockpit:

  1. Use Bad Elf Pro’s stand-alone logging function to log the flight. No need for an iPhone or an iPad.
  2. At the end of the flight, stop the logging on the Bad Elf Pro device.

After the flight:

  1. SharePair the Bad Elf Pro with your iPhone or iPad, start the Bad Elf app, select the flight from Trips, and tap “Share”.
  2. Select Open in CloudAhoy.
  3. open in CloudAhoyA menu of apps will be displayed. Select CloudAhoy.
  4. CloudAhoy will pop up and ask you to confirm the upload.

The flight will now be uploaded automatically to your CloudAhoy account, ready to be debriefed.

Important: the flight will be imported to CloudAhoy using the current settings of pilot names, tail number and remarks. If the imported flight’s setting is different, you can change it in the CloudAhoy app before the import, and you can also edit the flight afterwards (from the Flights tab).


Debriefing “intended” vs. “actual”

Introducing Intended Flight Paths. ifp2It’s a feature which ranked high on our users’ request emails. The Intended Flight feature allows you to draw the planned path (or paths) in 2D or 3D, and compare with the flight actually flown.

The screenshot on the right shows an IFR flight from KBED to KMVY. The flight takes off and intercepts BOS R-312, then proceeds to DUNKK and MVY.

The diagram at the bottom shows an example of a 3D intended flight path on an IFR chart, with the actual flight hidden.

To create a path, click the “+” sign on the Intended Flight Paths banner – a new banner on the left panel of the Debrief tab – and the path editor will open. Type a list of waypoints and optional altitudes in the box, then click “Save”. Use any US fix name, VOR or airport. Numbers such as “5000″ denote altitude, and are optional.

You can have any number of paths per flight, and assign each a color of your choice. You can edit paths, and you can delete them.

Intended Path is available on CloudAhoy Standard.

As usual, your feedback is very important. Let us know what you think.ifp4



IFR Charts

ifrchartsToday we added low-IFR charts to CloudAhoy, making it easier to debrief  XC IFR flights.

To overlay a flight on an IFR chart, select the IFR option from the debrief’s top bar.

IFR charts are available on CloudAhoy Standard.


Lightspeed Aviation summer promotion: CloudAhoy subscription

We at CloudAhoy are honored and delighted to team up with Lightspeed for their summer promotion:

When you purchase any new Lightspeed Aviation headset between today and August 17, 2014, Lightspeed will give you a gift of CloudAhoy Standard annual subscription. And if you are already a CloudAhoy subscriber, you will get an additional year : )  More…

LightspeedHow it works
Lightspeed activationAfter buying a headset and registering it with Lightspeed, you will receive your promotion code. To apply it, login to your CloudAhoy account, and select the Account tab. In the My Subscription box, click Details (see the diagram on the right).

Now enter the coupon code, and you’ve got yourself a year of full CloudAhoy Standard subscription!


Debrief tab: new display options bar

topbar2Those of you who debriefed a flight this morning must have noticed new icons on top. Indeed, we implemented a revised design for the Debrief tab’s top bar; it was already getting crowded, and we needed room for growth – expect new features in the near future.

The new icons represent display features. Some selected (black), others unselected (gray). Click or tap anywhere on this bar, and the display options menu will open. Select or unselect options, and close the bar when done.topbar1

As always, we are eager to receive your feedback – please send to