Flight Import – Improved

We enhanced and improved the process of flights’ import into CloudAhoy:
– Quicker and simpler drag-and-drop form,
– Tips for importing from various apps and systems.

To import a file, click the flightImportBtn2 button, and you get this:


Click any of the items on the drop-down menu to find out how to import flight data from those systems into CloudAhoy – either directly from an iOS app, or by saving a file which you then import into CloudAhoy.

To Import a file – select the top entry in the drop-down menu. The input form look very much like our iOS and Android CloudAhoy apps for logging, including a “swap” button for swapping the pilots’ names. After all, logging with our app or importing flight data from another device are both equivalent ways of adding a Flight to CloudAhoy’s flight list.importMenu4

Next, enter the flight’s pilot names, tail number and remarks, then drop a file with flight data to be imported (or select the file with chhoseFile).

After a few seconds the import is complete, and a thumbnail picture is displayed (1). You can now immediately debrief this flight (2). Optionally, you can edit the flight (3) if you want to add/modify pilot/co-pilot, hobbs, etc.


CloudAhoy supports a wide range of data sources, such as from ForeFlight, Garmin G1000 and others. Read more…

2 comments on “Flight Import – Improved

  1. Feature request to allow import of multiple files at once. I take a copy of my data card every month or so and would like to be able to import all of the month’s logs at one time.

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