Call for beta: glider pilots

Those of you who have been using CloudAhoy to debrief glider flights know that sometimes the analysis has been lacking. The reason: CloudAhoy has a rule-based analysis engine, and its rules thus far have been focused on powered fixed-wing airplanes.

I am now in the process of extending the rules to analyze other kinds of aircraft, starting with gliders (helicopters will soon follow).

If you are a glider pilot I am looking for your help.  Here’s how:

> Login to the beta program

> Debrief your glider flights.  Make sure that the glider’s tail number is correct.

> Email me at and tell me what you think.

Was the debrief useful?
Was the flight segmented correctly?
How accurate was the track and altitude?
Are the Profiles useful?
Are the (i) buttons in each segment useful?
What other analysis would you like to see?  New segment types?  New graphs?

And thanks!

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